
Studying a course with a placement year is one of the smartest moves to increase your chances of employability. These courses allow you to put taught skills into practice and develop a network of industry connections, making you a sought-after graduate by giving you the tools employers look for in skilled graduates.

Placement years takes place between your second, fourth (for undergraduate programs) and final year (for postgraduate programs) of study at university, hence counting towards your overall degree.

Is studying a course with a placement year worth it?

We have successfully put together a few benefits of applying for a course with placement routes in the UK;

1. Invaluable work experience

Getting a placement year means you have the opportunity to experience real responsibilities that will be both challenging and interesting. This could contribute positively to your job application and interview preparation upon graduation.

2. Increase your career prospects

Doing a placement year increases the probability or your chance for future success in a profession. This guarantees to push you miles ahead of the competition, thereby increasing your career prospects.

3. Advance your skills

Meeting people with many years of experience during your work placement will help you understand why you need to know what you have learned in your class sessions. Practical work placement is applicable when you return to class.

4. Improve your academic performance

Studying a course with work placement can help you analyze your academic performance and understand where you could improve in the long term. In fact, it can be paramount in graduate job interviews.

5. Establish industry network connections

Through the placement route, you can build professional relationships with colleagues and clients. Therefore, a placement route can help you establish connections which can be useful for your future job prospects.

It is easier to gain employment in top companies in the UK if you have proven yourself in a professional space. Studying a course with placement in the UK will help you hit the ground running in your new role.

Our Partner Universities in the UK offer courses with a placement that is very well known for their academic structure, course variety and diverse locations. You can choose from a range of courses including computing, project management, accounting and finance, international business management, MBA, management, information technology, etc.

Are you interested in applying for a placement route course this September 2023? Click here to begin your study abroad journey.

To learn more about placement courses in the UK, read 10 things you need to know about placement courses!