
What comes to mind when you hear the words “study abroad”? is it study, adventure or freedom? If any of these were your answers, you are right!

Before jumping on the bandwagon of being an international student, never fail to ask: Why should I study abroad? What are my study abroad goals?

Wherever we decide to choose, whether the UK, Ireland, Europe, or even Africa, we should understand our core reasons for choosing to study abroad.

Over the past four years in the recruitment consulting business, having to successfully work with over 200+ students’ applications, I have come to understand that most students jump on this train with little understanding and preparedness, for what awaits them.

Here are a few crucial points that will help to bring clarity when taking steps towards studying abroad.

Are you choosing to study abroad for a career enhancement?

This is a good reason!

Are you in a field where a degree advancement will elevate you through your career ladder? such that upon your return to your home country, you have gained a great education, excellent skills, and a new perspective on culture? For instance, studying in Germany will help you gain additional language skills. These skills will attract any future employer that truly values quality.

Do you want to see the world? Be adventurous?

By studying abroad you will experience a brand new country with incredible activities and a new outlook.

Interestingly, you are not limited to just the country where you are studying. You also have the option of being able to see neighboring countries as well. For example, when you study in Ireland, you can travel to other parts of Europe including the UK, France, Spain, and Germany.

Is quality education your goal?

This is so important too!

Studying in countries such as UK, Canada, Ireland, Mauritius, gives you unlimited access to learning resources such as great facilities, industry connections, and educational exposure.

Unquestionably, studying abroad in a prestigious university is not only a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, but it also goes a long way to better your future.